1. Schmooze with clients 吆五喝六地談生意
2. Get new contracts 攬生意
3. Stay within budgets and timelines 抓緊預算和時程
4. Corporate ideals 公司理念
5. do structural calculations to 作結構計算到…
6. enviable lifetime financial security 令人豔羨的金飯碗
7. the job market, the employment market 職場
8. job-market strengths are like dust in the wind 職場優勢
9. specialization 專業
10. the vicissitudes of the employment market 職場動盪
11. someone would surely not be left out in the cold 某人不會有懷才不遇的感覺
12. financial tsunami 金融海嘯
13. career planning 職涯規劃
14. a shot gun effect 亂槍打鳥
“More” doesn’t mean a shot gun effect. 「多」不是亂槍打鳥。
15. reason and emotion 理性與感性
16. fit right with 與…不謀而合
17. hot Taiwanese brands 台貨正夯
18. promote Taiwanese art to the world 把台灣藝術推向世界舞台
19. Learning is naturally important, but so are an open mind and flexibility of attitude. 學習固然是必要的,開放的心胸和柔軟的身段也是必要的。
20. job openings 工作機會(企業徵才)
21. in years past 往年
22. the ranks of the unemployed 失業大軍
23. the employment market, the labor market, the workforce 就業市場、職場
24. reenter the workforce 重回職場
25. vocational training center 職訓中心
26. clean fingernails 面孔白淨
Recently those entering have largely been former white-collar workers with college degrees and clean fingernails. 近來多了些面孔白淨的高學歷白領。
27. finance and money management 金融和理財
28. clothing accessory design 飾品設計
29. with the swelling ranks of unemployed 因應失業潮
30. someone ended his/her previous employment unwillingly 非自願性失業者
31. low-income households 低收入戶
32. rehabilitated addicts and criminals 更生人
33. severance pay 遣散費
34. …have been widely praised …深受好評
35. partnerships between the center and industry 產訓合作
36. beauty parlors 美容業
37. two schools of thought 兩種思維
38. in a period of tepid demand 需求不振的景氣衰退期
39. Taiwanese people have a strong will to fight and are ill inclined to sit idle by. 台灣人鬥志旺盛,不會坐以待斃。
40. There were still some franchisees moving against the tide and experiencing growing sales. 仍有些加盟會員的業績逆勢成長。
To be continued...
Adapted from Taiwan Panorama Magazine
Compiled by Aaron
目前分類:未分類文章 (21)
- Apr 13 Mon 2009 19:43
職場相關英文單字一(Vocabulary Related to the workforce)