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What is bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a term that means inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs. The bronchi are air passages that connect the windpipe (trachea) to the lung tissue. The trachea connects to 2 main bronchi which branch many times to form a network of increasingly fine passages (bronchi and bronchioles). These fine passages end at microscopic sacs called alveoli, where oxygen is taken up by the blood. In bronchitis the bronchi become inflamed or secrete excess mucus onto the lining of the bronchi.

The inflammation is usually caused by a viral infection such as cold or flu or a secondary bacterial infection (infectious bronchitis). However, bronchitis can also result from inhaling substances that irritate the lungs, such as chemical pollutants, dust, ammonia (used in some cleaning products) and smoke. People who have other lung problems, such as asthma, may get frequent attacks of bronchitis, as may people with chronic sinusitis.

Bronchitis is usually mild and normally doesn’t cause any long-term damage, but it can become serious in elderly people, people who smoke, or those who are chronically ill with heart or lung disease.

What are the symptoms of infectious (acute) bronchitis?

Infectious bronchitis commonly occurs in winter. It often starts with similar symptoms to that of a common cold — tiredness and a sore throat — then a cough develops. This cough is often dry at first but later on becomes productive, with white, yellow or green sputum being coughed up. If the attack is severe, fever may result.

If the symptoms persist or get worse, your doctor may send you for a chest X-ray to ensure you haven’t developed pneumonia, which can be a serious complication of bronchitis.


What is chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis, as opposed to acute bronchitis, is the term doctors use to describe bronchitis that goes on long-term, often for months. The coughing and mucus production can return each year and can last longer each time. Chronic bronchitis is usually caused by long-term inhalation of irritants, such as cigarette smoke.

The predominant change in the lungs is that more mucus is produced by the lining of the bronchi which leads to a cough, as opposed to infectious bronchitis which is predominantly inflammation of the airways. Smoking is the most common cause of chronic bronchitis.

Often, continued exposure to the irritant can lead to progressive worsening of the condition, and inflammation and scarring of the small airways make breathing more difficult.

Emphysema may develop — this is when the irritants also promote destruction of the alveolar air sacs. This makes it hard for the lungs to support any kind of exertion without the person becoming breathless. Bronchitis and emphysema may occur separately but often occur together.

How is bronchitis treated?

Acute bronchitis

If you have acute bronchitis, your doctor may advise you to:

  • rest;
  • drink plenty of fluids, and;
  • take medications such as paracetamol to reduce pain and fever.

Most cases of acute bronchitis do not require antibiotics. However, if you are coughing up lots of yellow or green sputum, you have a very high fever that won’t go away, or you are particularly unwell, your bronchitis may have a bacterial cause. In this case, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics, which should quickly clear up the infection.

If you smoke, stop — at least until you feel better, if you can’t give up at this stage. However, you should be aware that if you continue to smoke you greatly increase your risk of developing recurring chronic bronchitis and other serious diseases.

Chronic bronchitis

There are several options your doctor may recommend if you have chronic bronchitis.

  • Giving up smoking will slow the rate that the disease progresses and should improve your breathlessness. This is by far the most important thing you can do to help if you are a smoker.
  • Bronchodilators may be prescribed. These medications expand the airways to make it easier to breathe. They are often taken in the form of an inhaler.
  • Corticosteroids and antibiotics may be given during periods when you have a chest infection. Corticosteroids may be used regularly in people with severe disease or frequent exacerbations.
  • An annual flu vaccination may prevent you from catching influenza in the winter, and is recommended for people with chronic bronchitis.
  • Vaccination against pneumococcal disease is also recommended for people with chronic bronchitis.





翻譯:Aaron Liao in Australia

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What is gout?

Gout is one of the oldest diseases known. It was recognised by the ancient Greeks and the famous physician Hippocrates wrote about it. It affects about one in 25 males and one in 100 females.


Gout is a form of arthritis—which means inflammation of the joints. In the case of gout the inflammation is due to too much uric acid in the blood which is deposited in the affected joint as urate crystals. Usually a single joint is affected during an attack. The joint at the base of the big toe is most commonly affected.


What are the symptoms of gout?

In a typical case the joint suddenly becomes intensely painful, hot, red and swollen. Uric acid is made in the body as part of the breakdown process of foods containing purines. People with gout usually have an excess of uric acid in the bloodstream either because they are making too much, or because their bodies can't get rid of it properly. Uric acid is eliminated from the body by the kidneys, and those prone to gout may also develop stones in their kidneys.



Females and gout

Oestrogen—one of the female sex hormones—seems to give protection against gout, which is why the disease is less common in females. When it does affect them it is almost always only after the menopause. This may also be because of the increased use of diuretic medications by elderly women.



Treatment of gout

The treatment of gout may be twofold. The acute attack is treated with rest and usually with one of the anti-inflammatory drugs. Big doses are often needed for the first few days. For those who get repeated attacks of gout, and have a persistently raised level of uric acid in their blood, it may be necessary to take a drug which keeps the uric acid level down, on a daily basis. Although special diets have only a limited role in controlling gout, those with the disease usually get to know particular things which can trigger off an attack for them.



Who gets gout?

The typical sufferer from this painful condition is the overweight male who eats a lot of meat and consumes considerable amounts of alcohol. He will often have high blood pressure, too. Barbecues are the sorts of occasion that can mean a sore foot next morning for these individuals.


copied from http://www.mydr.com.au/arthritis/gout


uric acid: 尿酸

urate crystal: 尿酸鹽結晶

oestrogen: 雌激素  

androgen: 雄激素

diuretic medication: 利尿藥物

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Headaches: the different types

Headache is one of the most common ailments. But not all headaches are the same — the location of the pain, how severe it is, how long it lasts and how often it occurs, and sometimes what brings on the pain, are some of the variables that doctors use to define different types of headache.

Knowing what type of headache you have can help you and your doctor to manage and treat your headaches.

Tension headache (緊張性頭痛)

This is the most common type of headache — most adults will have experienced a tension headache.

  • Steady, non-throbbing mild to moderate pain usually on both sides of the head, and sometimes extending to the neck and shoulders.
  • Feels like a tight band of pressure around the head.
  • Can occur often.
  • Lasts for 30 minutes up to a few days, but most attacks are short-lived.
  • Can be brought on by several triggers, including stress, lack of sleep and poor posture.

Migraine headache (偏頭痛)

About 15 per cent of adults have migraines. Women are affected 2-3 times more often than men, and hormones are thought to play a role.

  • Throbbing pain usually on one side of the head.
  • May be preceded by an ‘aura’ of symptoms such as seeing a moving pattern or blinking lights in front of you.
  • Often debilitating and accompanied by nausea and, sometimes, vomiting.
  • Can last from 4 hours up to 3 days.
  • Can cause sensitivity to bright lights or noise during the headache.
  • Often runs in your family.
  • Can be brought on by stress, certain foods, changes in the weather, lack of food, lack of sleep, as well as a range of other factors.

Cluster headache (叢集性頭痛)

This is a relatively uncommon, severe headache that is much more common in men than women. Cluster headaches can affect people of all ages, but onset is most common between the ages of 20 and 40.

  • Occurs once (or several times) every day for a few days or weeks to months — a so-called ‘cluster’.
  • Usually occurs at the same time every day during a cluster.
  • Very severe stabbing pain on one side of the head that typically lasts from 15 minutes to 3 hours.
  • Pain is usually centred on one eye, which often becomes watery and red.

Chronic daily headache (慢性每日頭痛)

  • Can occur on and off, every day.
  • Often tension headache or migraine symptoms; can be a mixture of both.
  • Sometimes causes nausea, and aversion to light, noise and smells.
  • Can be associated with anxiety or depression.
  • Can be due to ‘rebound’ headache, which results from overuse of pain medications.

Hormone headache (因賀爾蒙變動所造成的頭痛)

Some women experience severe headaches including migraines at times when their hormones fluctuate, for example, around the time of their period each month or around the time of ovulation.

Exertional headache including ‘sexual’ headache (運動性頭痛)

Some people get a headache associated with exercise, sport or sexual activity. A ‘sexual headache’ can occur before or after orgasm; it can be severe and last for several minutes to several hours. Some people experience a sudden, severe headache at the point of orgasm.

Eye strain headache (眼睛疲勞造成之頭痛)

If you have visual problems that have not been addressed by prescription glasses or contact lenses, you can get an eye strain headache, which typically causes pain and a weighty feeling around the eyes.

Temporo-mandibular joint headache (顳顎關節造成之頭痛)

Some people may get muscle tension and pain related to a disorder of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), the joint just in front of each ear, where your jaw bone connects to your skull.

Ice-cream headache (吃冰淇淋引起的頭痛)

Eating something very cold can cause a sharp pain in the middle of your forehead or over one temple. People who get migraines may be more likely to get an ice-cream headache — so-named because it comes on immediately after eating ice-cream.

Other headaches (其它頭痛)

Many other headaches are a secondary effect of another disorder, such as:

  • a neck problem;
  • irritation of nerve fibres, e.g. trigeminal nerve neuralgia;
  • eye, ear, sinus, tooth and jaw problems;
  • inflammation of an artery in the head (temporal arteritis);
  • a head injury;
  • a hangover from drinking excessive alcohol; or
  • withdrawing from drugs such as caffeine or narcotics.

Warning signs (警示跡象)

People may worry that their headaches may be due to a serious brain problem, like a brain tumour, a brain haemorrhage or a brain infection such as meningitis. This is rarely the case, as most headaches do not reflect an underlying brain disorder. If a brain disorder is present, other symptoms apart from headache also tend to occur.

Seek medical attention when you have:

  • a headache that is ‘the worst I’ve ever had’;
  • a change in the pattern of your headaches, for example, from mild and occasional headaches to severe and frequent headaches;
  • a new type of headache for you;
  • a sudden-onset headache;
  • a progressively worsening headache over days or weeks;
  • a headache that is accompanied by neck pain and fever (which can indicate meningitis), or by co-ordination problems, fits (convulsions), changes in personality, and weakness on one side of the body (which can indicate a serious brain disorder).

Drowsiness, visual symptoms, vomiting and dislike of bright light may all be symptoms associated with migraine. However, in other situations, particularly after head injury, they may indicate an underlying brain disorder. If you are experiencing these symptoms for the first time or are in any doubt, seek medical attention.


copied from http://www.mydr.com.au/first-aid-self-care/headaches-the-different-types

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有預兆型的偏頭痛:有預兆型的偏頭痛(對光亮的感覺)會預告偏頭痛即將發生。某些預兆會讓病人知道即將發生偏頭痛了。這些症狀包括視力問題(例如複視、閃爍、暫時喪失視力)、情緒障礙、單側癱瘓、感覺暈眩、衰弱及困惑。這些症狀可能持續約5至60分鐘,顯示疼痛即將降臨, 然後疼痛的情況可能會持續4至72小時。出現了偏頭痛的預兆之後,沒有發生頭痛的機率是很低的。




















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(Streptococcus Pneumoniae),它多侵犯老年人、嗜血桿菌(H. Influenza),
它多侵犯幼童、奈瑟氏雙球菌(Nesseria Meningitis)則多侵犯年輕人。



除非是由皰疹病毒(Herpes Virus)所引起,則必須特別施藥。另外,患者的家屬以及





What is meningitis?

Meningitis is inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges. The inflammation may be caused by infection with viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms, and less commonly by certain drugs. Meningitis can be life-threatening because of the inflammation's proximity to the brain and spinal cord; therefore the condition is classified as a medical emergency.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms of meningitis are headache and neck stiffness associated with fever, confusion or altered consciousness, vomiting, and an inability to tolerate light (photophobia) or loud noises (phonophobia). Sometimes, especially in small children, only nonspecific symptoms may be present, such as irritability and drowsiness. If a rash is present, it may indicate a particular cause of meningitis; for instance,meningitis caused by meningococcal bacteria may be accompanied by a characteristic rash.

How to Diagnose?

A lumbar puncture may be used to diagnose or exclude meningitis. This involves inserting a needle into the spinal canal to extract a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid that envelops the brain and spinal cord. The CSF is then examined in a medical laboratory.


The usual treatment for meningitis is the prompt application of antibiotics and sometimes antiviral drugs. In some situations, corticosteroid drugs can also be used to prevent complications from overactive inflammation. Meningitis can lead to serious long-term consequences such as deafness, epilepsy, hydrocephalus and cognitive deficits, especially if not treated quickly. Some forms of meningitis (such as those associated with meningococci, Haemophilus influenzae type B, pneumococci or mumps virus infections) may be prevented by immunization.


Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meningitis

A related movie clip can been seen at http://www.meningitis.org/symptoms/




大腦周圍的黏膜:protective membranes covering the brain

脊髓神經:spinal cord

上呼吸道發炎:upper respiratory inflammation

脊髓液:cerebrospinal fluid

脊椎穿刺:lumbar puncture


腦膜炎球菌:meningococcoal bacteria



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  1. meningitis                          腦膜炎
  2. encephalitis                       腦炎
  3. migraine                            偏頭痛
  4. cerebral haemorrhage      腦出血
  5. cerebral thrombosis          腦血栓
  6. cerebral palsy                   腦性麻痺
  7. headache                          頭痛
  8. glaucoma                          青光眼
  9. cataract                             白內障
  10. astigmatism                      亂視
  11. conjunctivitis                     結膜炎
  12. sty                                     臉腺炎;麥粒腫
  13. sinusitis                             鼻竇炎
  14. furry tongue                      舌苔
  15. oropharynx                        口咽癌
  16. laryngitis                            喉炎
  17. diphtheria                          白喉
  18. asthma                              氣喘
  19. tonsilitis                             扁桃腺發炎
  20. whooping cough                百日咳
  21. otitis                                  耳炎
  22. tympanitis                          中耳炎
  23. goiter                                甲狀腺腫
  24. thyroid cancer                   甲狀腺癌
  25. mastitis                             乳腺炎
  26. breast cancer                    乳癌
  27. liver cancer                        肝癌
  28. cirrhosis of the liver           肝硬化
  29. hepatitis                            肝炎                           
  30. lung cancer                        肺癌
  31. pulmonary embolism          肺栓塞
  32. emphysema                       肺氣腫
  33. tuberculosis                       肺結核
  34. pneumonia                        肺炎
  35. gastritis                             胃炎
  36. pancreatitis                       胰臟炎
  37. osteoarthritis                    骨關節炎
  38. osteoporosis                     骨質疏鬆症
  39. arthritis                             關節炎
  40. rheumatoid arthritis          風濕性關節炎
  41. sciatica                             坐骨神經痛
  42. gout                                  痛風
  43. endometriosis                   子宮內膜異位
  44. bowel cancer                    直腸癌
  45. crohn's disease                 克隆氏症
  46. peritonitis                          腹膜炎
  47. adenomatous polyposis    大腸息肉症
  48. constipation                      便秘
  49. diarrhea                            拉肚子
  50. dysentery                         痢疾
  51. dyspepsia                         消化不良
  52. hernia                               疝氣
  53. urethritis                           尿道炎
  54. skin cancer                       皮膚癌
  55. psoriasis                           牛皮癬
  56. herpes                              皰疹
  57. shingles                            帶狀皰疹
  58. lupus erythematosus        紅斑性狼瘡
  59. hives                                 蕁麻疹
  60. acanthosis nigricans         黑色棘皮症
  61. polio                                 小兒麻痺症
  62. rubella                              德國麻疹
  63. measles                            麻疹
  64. chicken pox                       水痘
  65. lockjaw= tetanus              破傷風
  66. rabies                               狂犬病
  67. Down Syndrome               唐氏症
  68. epilepsy                            癲癇
  69. Parkinson Disease            帕金氏症
  70. jaundice                            黃疸
  71. juvenile onset diabetes    第一型糖尿病
  72. adult onset diabetes        第二型糖尿病
  73. gestational diabetes        妊娠糖尿病
  74. appendicitis                      盲腸炎
  75. schizophrenia                   精神分裂症
  76. autism                              自閉症
  77. leprosy                             痲瘋
  78. leukaemia                        白血病
  79. toxemia                           毒血症
  80. septicemia                       敗血症
  81. anemia                            貧血
  82. multiple sclerosis            多發性硬化症
  83. atherosclerosis               動脈硬化症
  84. varicosity                        靜脈曲張
  85. dementia                        痴呆
  86. Alzheimer's Disease       老人癡呆症
  87. AIDS                               愛滋病
  88. ADHD                              注意力不足過動症
  89. postnatal depression     產後憂鬱症
  90. typhoid                           傷寒
  91. venereal disease            花柳病
  92. gonorrhea                      淋病
  93. prostate cancer              攝護腺癌
  94. non-specific urethritis     非特異性尿道炎
  95. pelvic infammatory disease  盆腔炎
  96. hayfever                         花粉症
  97. halitosis                          口臭
  98. eczema                           濕疹
  99. angina                            心絞痛
  100. nephritis                         腎炎
  101. cystitis                            膀胱炎


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