What is gout?

Gout is one of the oldest diseases known. It was recognised by the ancient Greeks and the famous physician Hippocrates wrote about it. It affects about one in 25 males and one in 100 females.


Gout is a form of arthritis—which means inflammation of the joints. In the case of gout the inflammation is due to too much uric acid in the blood which is deposited in the affected joint as urate crystals. Usually a single joint is affected during an attack. The joint at the base of the big toe is most commonly affected.


What are the symptoms of gout?

In a typical case the joint suddenly becomes intensely painful, hot, red and swollen. Uric acid is made in the body as part of the breakdown process of foods containing purines. People with gout usually have an excess of uric acid in the bloodstream either because they are making too much, or because their bodies can't get rid of it properly. Uric acid is eliminated from the body by the kidneys, and those prone to gout may also develop stones in their kidneys.



Females and gout

Oestrogen—one of the female sex hormones—seems to give protection against gout, which is why the disease is less common in females. When it does affect them it is almost always only after the menopause. This may also be because of the increased use of diuretic medications by elderly women.



Treatment of gout

The treatment of gout may be twofold. The acute attack is treated with rest and usually with one of the anti-inflammatory drugs. Big doses are often needed for the first few days. For those who get repeated attacks of gout, and have a persistently raised level of uric acid in their blood, it may be necessary to take a drug which keeps the uric acid level down, on a daily basis. Although special diets have only a limited role in controlling gout, those with the disease usually get to know particular things which can trigger off an attack for them.



Who gets gout?

The typical sufferer from this painful condition is the overweight male who eats a lot of meat and consumes considerable amounts of alcohol. He will often have high blood pressure, too. Barbecues are the sorts of occasion that can mean a sore foot next morning for these individuals.


copied from http://www.mydr.com.au/arthritis/gout


uric acid: 尿酸

urate crystal: 尿酸鹽結晶

oestrogen: 雌激素  

androgen: 雄激素

diuretic medication: 利尿藥物


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